
In press

Geniole SN., Bird BM., McVittie J., Purcell R., Archer J., & Carré JM (accepted). Is testosterone linked to human aggression? A meta-analytic examination of the relationship between baseline, dynamic, and manipulated testosterone on human aggression. Hormones and Behavior.

Nadler A, Camerer CF, Zava DT, Ortiz TL, Watson NV, Carré JM & Nave G (in press). Does testosterone impair men’s cognitive empathy? Evidence from two large-scale placebo- controlled experiments. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences.

Knight EL, McShane BB, Kutlikova HH, Morales PJ, Christian CB, Harbaugh WT, Mayr U, Ortiz TL, Gilbert K, Watson NV, Eisenegger C, Lamm C, Mehta PH & Carré JM (in press). Weak and variable effects of exogenous testosterone on cognitive reflection task performance in three experiments: Commentary on Nave et al. (2017). Psychological Science.

Carré JM, Jeanneault E & Marley N (in press). Social neuroendocrinology of human aggression; progress and future directions. International Handbook of Social Neuroendocrinology. Routledge Press. (Eds. Pranjal H. Mehta & Oliver C. Schultheiss).

Geniole SN & Carré JM (in press). Hierarchy and testosterone: How can testosterone promote upward mobility in status hierarchies. The Oxford Handbook on Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Endocrinology (Eds. Todd Shackelford & Lisa L.M. Welling).

Shirazi TN., Self H., Dawood K., Cardenas R., Rosenfield KA., Ortiz TL., Carré JM., Balasubramanian R., Delaney A., Crowley W., Breedlove SM & Puts DA (in press). Pubertal timing predicts adult psychosexuality: Evidence from typically developing adults and adults with isolated GnRH deficiency. Hormones and Behavior. 


McCormick, C. M., & Carré, J. M. (2020). Facing off with the phalangeal phenomenon and editorial policies: A commentary on Swift-Gallant, Johnson, Di Rita and Breedlove (2020). Hormones and Behavior, 120, 104710.


Bird BM, Geniole SN, Procyshyn TL, Ortiz TL, Carré JM & Watson NV (2019). Effects of exogenous testosterone on cooperation depends on personality and time pressure. Neuropsychopharmacology,44, 538-545.

Roy ARK, Cook T, Carré JM, & Welker KM (2019). Dual-hormone regulation of psychopathy: Evidence from gold-standard measures of testosterone. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 19, 243-250.

Welker, K. M., Roy, A. R., Geniole, S., Kitayama, S., & Carré, J. M. (2019). Taking risks for personal gain: An investigation of self-construal and testosterone responses to competition. Social neuroscience, 14, 99-113.

Geniole SN, Procyshyn TL, Marley N, Ortiz TL, Bird BM, Marcellus, AL, Welker KM, Bonin PL, Goldfarb B, Watson NV & Carré JM (2018). Using a psychopharmacogenomic approach to identify the pathways through which and people for whom testosterone promotes aggression. Psychological Science, 30, 481-494.

Harvey MW, Farrell AK, Imami L, Carré JM, & Slatcher RB (2019). Maternal attachment avoidance is linked to youth diurnal slopes in children with asthma. Attachment and Human Development, 21, 23-27.

Arnocky S, Proietti V, Ruddick E, Coté T, Ortiz TL, Hodson G & Carré JM (2019). Aggression Toward Sexualized Women Is Mediated by Decreased Perceptions of Humanness. Psychological Science, 30, 748-756.

Shirazi TN, Self H, Dawood K, Rosenfield K, Penke L, Carré JM, Ortiz TL & Puts DA (2019). Hormonal predictors of women’s sexual motivation. Evolution and Human Behavior, 40, 336-344.

Geniole SN., Proietti V., Bird BM., Ortiz TL., Bonin PL., Goldfarb B., Watson NV., & Carré JM (2019). Testosterone reduces the threat premium in competitive resource division. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences, 286(1903), 20190720


Geniole, S. N., & Carré, J. M. (2018). Human social neuroendocrinology: review of the rapid effects of testosterone. Hormones and behavior, 104, 192-205.

Arnocky, S., Carré, J. M., Bird, B. M., Moreau, B. J., Vaillancourt, T., Ortiz, T., & Marley, N. (2018). The facial width-to-height ratio predicts sex drive, sociosexuality, and intended infidelity. Archives of sexual behavior, 47(5), 1375-1385.

Arnocky, S., Albert, G., Carré, J. M., & Ortiz, T. L. (2018). Intrasexual competition mediates the relationship between men’s testosterone and mate retention behavior. Physiology & Behavior, 186, 73–78. 

Carré, JM, & Archer, J. (2018). Testosterone and Human Behavior: The role of individual and contextual variables. Current Opinion in Psychology,18, 149-153.


Carré, J. M., Ruddick, E. L., Moreau, B. J., & Bird, B. M. (2017). Testosterone and human aggression. The Wiley Handbook of Violence and Aggression, 1-14.

Skibsted, A. P., Cunha‐Bang, S. D., Carré, J. M., Hansen, A. E., Beliveau, V., Knudsen, G. M., & Fisher, P. M. (2017). Aggression‐related brain function assessed with the Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm in fMRI. Aggressive behavior, 43(6), 601-610.

Bird, B.M, Geniole, SN, Little, AC, Moreau, BJ, Ortiz, TL, Goldfarb, B, … & Carré, JM. (2017). Does Exogenous Testosterone Modulate Men’s Ratings of Facial Dominance or Trustworthiness?. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 1-21.

Zilioli, S, Ellis, DA, Carré, JM, & Slatcher, RB. (2017). Biopsychosocial pathways linking subjective socioeconomic disadvantage to glycemic control in youths with type I diabetes. Psychoneuroendocrinology78, 222-228.

Gray PB, McHale TS & Carré JM (2017). A Review of Human Male Field Studies of Hormones and Behavioral Reproductive Effort. Hormones and Behavior.

Carré, JM, Geniole, SN, Ortiz, TL, Bird, BM, Videto, A, & Bonin, PL. (2017). Exogenous Testosterone Rapidly Increases Aggressive Behavior in Dominant and Impulsive Men. Biological Psychiatry. 

Commentaries on this article:

Geniole SN, Bird BM, Ruddick EL & Carré JM (2017). Effects of competition outcome on testosterone concentrations in humans: An updated meta-analysis. Hormones and Behavior.
Click here for spreadsheet.

Welker KM, Norman RE, Goetz SMM, Moreau BJP, Kitayama S & Carré JM (2017). Preliminary evidence that testosterone’s association with aggression depends on self-construal. Hormones and Behavior, 92, 117-127.

Hansen, S, McAuliffe, J, Goldfarb, B, & Carré, JM. (2017). Testosterone influences volitional, but not reflexive orienting of attention in human males. Physiology & Behavior

Arnocky S, Taylor SM, Olmstead NA, Carré JM (2017). The effects of exogenous testosterone on men’s moral decision-making. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology.3, 1-13.

Archer J & Carré JM (2017). Testosterone and Aggression. Frontiers of Social Psychology, Psychology Press: New York.


Bird BM, Cid Jofré VS, Geniole SN, Welker KM, Zilioli S, Maestripieri D, Arnocky S & Carré JM (2016). Does the facial width-to-height ratio map onto variability in men’s testosterone concentrations? Evolution and Human Behavior. 37, 392-398.
Click here or spreadsheet

Hanson JL, Albert DW, Iselin AR, Carré JM, Dodge DA & Hariri AR (2016). Cumulative stress in childhood is associated with blunted reward-related brain activity in adulthood. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neurosciences, 11, 405-412.

Welling, LL, Moreau, BJ, Bird, BM, Hansen, S, & Carré, JM. (2016). Exogenous testosterone increases men’s perceptions of their own physical dominance. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 64, 136-142..

Welker KM, Zilioli S, Carré JM, & Mehta PH (2015). Testosterone–cortisol interactions and risk-taking: A reply to Hayes et al. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 63, 381-382.


Apicella CL, Carré JM & Dreber A (2015). Testosterone and economic risk taking: a review. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 1, 358-385.

Carré JM, Ortiz TL, Labine B, Moreau BJ, Viding E, Neumann CS, & Goldfarb B (2015). Digit ratio (2D: 4D) and psychopathic traits moderate the effect of exogenous testosterone on socio-cognitive processes in men. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 62, 319–326.

Geniole SN, Denson TF, Dixson BJ, Carré JM, & McCormick CM (2015). Evidence from Meta-Analyses of the Facial Width-to-Height Ratio as an Evolved Cue of Threat. PloS one.

Norman RE, Moreau BJP, Welker KM & Carré JM (2015). Trait anxiety moderates the relationship between testosterone responses to competition and aggressive behaviour. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 1, 312-324.

Welker KM, Goetz SMM & Carré JM (2015). Perceived and experimentally manipulated status moderate the relationship between facial structure and risk taking. Evolution and Human Behavior, 36, 423-429.

Mehta PH, Welker KM, Zilioli S & Carré JM (2015). Testosterone and cortisol jointly modulate risk-taking. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 56, 88-99.

Hamilton LD, Mehta PH, Olmstead NA, Whitaker JD & Carré JM (2015). Social neuroendocrinology of status: A review and future directions. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology.

Gorka AX, Norman RE, Radtke SR, Carré JM & Hariri AR (2015). Anterior cingulate cortex gray matter volume mediates an association between 2D:4D ratio and trait aggression in women but not men. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 56, 148-156.

Carré JM & Olmstead NA (2015). Social neuroendocrinology of human aggression: Examining the role of competition-induced testosterone dynamics. Neuroscience, 286, 171-186.

Welker KM, Goetz SMM, Galicia S, Liphardt J & Carré JM (2015). An examination of the associations between facial structure, aggressive behaviour, and performance in the 2010 World Cup Association football players. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 1, 17-29.

Welker KM & Carré JM (2014). Individual differences in testosterone predict persistence in men. European Journal of Personaality, 29(1), 83-89.


Boshyan J, Zebrowitz LA, Franklin RG Jr, McCormick CM & Carré JM (2014). Age similarities in recognizing threat from faces and diagnostic cues. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B. Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 69, 710-718.

Carré JM, Iselin AM, Welker KM, Hariri AR & Dodge KA (2014). Testosterone reactivity mediates the effect of early intervention on aggressive behavior. Psychological Science, 25, 1140-1146.

Carré JM (2014). Social status, facial structure, and assertiveness in brown capuchin monkeys. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 567

Carré JM, Baird-Rowe CD & Hariri AR (2014). Testosterone responses to competition predict decreased trust ratings of emotionally neutral faces. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 49, 79-83.

Geniole SN, Keyes AE, Carré JM & McCormick CM (2014). Fearless dominance mediates the relationship between the facial width-to-height ratio and cheating. Personality and Individual Differences. 57, 59-64.

Carré JM & Moreau BJP (2014). Social neuroendocrinology: Functional role of testosterone dynamics. An Evolutionary Science of Human: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Eds. P LaFreniere& GE Weisfeld. Linus Books.

Geniole SN, Molnar DS, Carré JM & McCormick CM (2014). The facial width-to-height ratio shares stronger links with judgements of aggression than with judgements of trustworthiness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance,40, 1526-1541

Goetz SMM, Tang L, Thomason ME, Diamond MP, Hariri AR & Carré JM (2014).Testosterone rapidly increases neural reactivity to threat in healthy men: a novel two-step pharmacological challenge paradigm. Biological Psychiatry, 76, 324-331

Welker KM, Lozoya E, Campbell JA, Neumann CS & Carré JM (2014). Testosterone, cortisol, and psychopathic traits in men and women. Physiology and Behavior, 129, 230-236.


Carré JM, Campbell JA, Lozoya E, Goetz SMM, & Welker KM (2013). Changes in testosterone mediate the effect of winning on subsequent aggression. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38, 2034-2041. 

Carré JM, Hyde LW, Neumann CS, Viding E & Hariri AR (2013). The neural signatures of distinct psychopathic traits. Social Neuroscience 8, 122-135

Carré JM, Murphy KR & Hariri AR (2013). What lies beneath the face of aggression. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 8, 224-229.

Goetz SMM, Shattuck KS, Miller RM, Campbell JA, Lozoya E, Weisfeld GE & Carré JM (2013). Social status moderates the relationship between facial structure and aggression. Psychological Science. 24, 2329-2334.

Marusak HA, Carré JM & Thomason ME (2013). The stimuli drive the response: an fMRI study of youth processing adult or child emotional face stimuli. Neuroimage, 83, 679-689

Mehta PH, Goetz SM & Carré JM (2013). Genetic, hormonal, and neural underpinnings of human aggressive behavior. Eds. David Franks & Jonathan Turner. Handbook of Neurosociology

Thomason ME, Tocco MA, Quednau KA, Bedway AR & Carré JM. (2013). Idle behaviors of the hippocampus reflect endogenous cortisol levels in youth. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 52, 642-652.

Welker KM, Oberleitner DE, Cain S & Carré JM (2013). Upright and left out: Posture moderates the effects of social exclusion on mood and threats to basic needs. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 355-361.


Bogdan R, Carré JM & Hariri AR (2012). Toward a mechanistic understanding of how variability in neurobiology shapes individual differences in behaviour. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, 12, 361-393.

Carré JM, Fisher PM, Manuck SB & Hariri AR (2012). Interaction between trait anxiety and trait anger predict amygdala reactivity to angry facial expressions in men but not women. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 7, 213-221.

Geniole SN, Keyes AE, Mondloch CJ, Carré JM & McCormick CM (2012). Facing aggression: Cues differ for female versus male faces. PLoS ONE, 7, 330366

Short LA, Mondloch CJ, McCormick CM, Carré JM, Ma R, Fu G & Lee K (2012). Detection of propensity for aggression based on facial structure irrespective of face race. Evolution and Human Behavior, 33, 121-129.

Putnam SK & Carré JM (2012). Game location moderates the relationship between anticipatory testosterone changes and athletic performance. International Journal of Sport Physiology and Performance, 7, 301-303.


Carré JM, McCormick CM & Hariri AR (2011). The social neuroendocrinology of human aggression. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36, 935-944.

Carré JM & Mehta PH (2011). Importance of considering testosterone-cortisol interactions in predicting human aggression and dominance. Aggressive Behavior, 37, 489-491.

Geniole SN, Carré JM & McCormick CM (2011). State, not trait, neuroendocrine function predicts costly reactive aggression in men after social exclusion and inclusion. Biological Psychology, 87, 137-145.

Josephs RA, Mehta PH & Carré JM (2011). Gender and social environment modulate the effects of testosterone on social behavior: comment on Eisenegger et al. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 15, 509-510


Carré JM & Putnam SK (2010). Watching a previous victory produces a surge in testosterone among elite hockey players. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 35, 475-479.

Carré JM, Gilchrist JD, Morrissey MD & McCormick CM (2010). Motivational and situational factors and the relationship between testosterone dynamics and human aggression during competition. Biological Psychology, 84, 346-353.

Carré JM, Morrissey MD, McCormick CM & Mondloch CJ (2010). Estimating aggression from emotionally neutral faces: Which facial cues are diagnostic? Perception, 39, 356-377.


Carré JM (2009). No place like home: Testosterone responses to victory depend on game location. American Journal of Human Biology, 21, 392-394

Carré JM, McCormick CM & Mondloch CJ (2009). Face structure is reliable cue of aggressive behavior. Psychological Science, 10, 1194-1198

Carré JM, Putnam SK & McCormick CM (2009). Testosterone responses to competition predict future aggressive behaviour at a cost to reward in men. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 34, 561-570


Carré JM & McCormick CM (2008). Aggressive behavior and change in salivary testosterone concentrations predict willingness to engage in a competitive task. Hormones and Behavior, 54, 403-409.

Carré JM & McCormick CM (2008). In your face: Facial metrics predict aggressive behaviour in the laboratory and in varsity and professional hockey players. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences, 275, 2651-2656.


Carré J, Muir C, Bélanger J & Putnam SK (2006). Pre-competition hormonal and psychological levels of elite hockey players: Relationship to the home advantage. Physiology and Behavior, 30, 392-398.